
Updates in patch 3.46.3


  • DT import: Enqueue indexing on success

    When importing new rows to a digitheme indexing was not triggered. Added full theme indexing on successful import.

  • Fix/Admin: search not working on digi theme media and images (in cms)
  • Fix failing embed generation with my data

    Generating embedded map failed when the map contains vector data(in my data). It seems that embedded maps only supports WMS layers, either external or internal

  • Wfssync: minor bugfixes


  • Enable clone digitheme record for anyone with write access

    Clone button was disabled for users with “project_write” – now it enabled

  • Digitheme: More space between bool and info text / description / mouseover
    • Added 5 px margin to the left of help icon
  • Fix: Small screen/mobile and warnings about layers/themes

    fix issue with error warning on theme on mobile (When the map is not shown, and width = 0)

  • Add and improve some lang in stat menu in dataview
  • Fix/Cloning WMTS layer fails (will be WMS)

    fix issue with always selecting wms when cloning base themes

  • Admin: Added projection to GUI overview table(Hidden by default)
  • Add support for WMTS basemap and autoreplace old gatekeeper maps

    Sample config for the 3 cache services for utm33:

        "type": "wmts",
        "id": 3,
        "thumb": "resx/media/embedded/graatone.jpg",
        "name": "Gråtone(xyz)",
        "url": "https://cache.kartverket.no/v1/wmts/1.0.0/topograatone/default/utm33n/{z}/{y}/{x}.png",
        "options": {
          "zoomOffset": 2,
          "attribution": "<a href='https://www.kartverket.no'>Kartverket</a>"
        "type": "wmts",
        "id": 4,
        "thumb": "resx/media/embedded/norges_grunnkart.jpg",
        "name": "Topo(xyz)",
        "url": "https://cache.kartverket.no/v1/wmts/1.0.0/topo/default/utm33n/{z}/{y}/{x}.png",
        "options": {
          "zoomOffset": 2,
          "attribution": "<a href='https://www.kartverket.no'>Kartverket</a>"
        "type": "wmts",
        "id": 5,
        "thumb": "resx/media/embedded/norges_grunnkart.jpg",
        "name": "Topo raster(xyz)",
        "url": "https://cache.kartverket.no/v1/wmts/1.0.0/toporaster/default/utm33n/{z}/{y}/{x}.png",
        "options": {
          "zoomOffset": 2,
          "attribution": "<a href='https://www.kartverket.no'>Kartverket</a>"

    Also added a function to replace old basemaps with the new WMTS/xyz cache

    •  replace old basemaps that has type “wms” and “gatekeeper” in the url
    •  replace old basemaps that has type “wms” and “NiB” in the url

    Sample config for new NiB WMTS service in UTM33:

        "type": "wmts",
        "id": 4,
        "thumb": "resx/media/embedded/nib.jpg",
        "name": "Norge i Bilder(new)",
        "url": "https://gatekeeper1.geonorge.no/BaatGatekeeper/gk/gk.nib_utm33_wmts_v2?GKT={gkt}&REQUEST=GetTile&STYLE=default&TILEMATRIXSET=default028mm&TILEMATRIX={z}&TILEROW={y}&TILECOL={x}",
        "options": {
          "layers": "Nibcache_UTM33_EUREF89_v2",
          "zoomOffset": 2,
          "attribution": "<a href='https://www.kartverket.no'>Kartverket</a>"
  • Increase GUI tab panel height

    The tab “Overrides” has grown out of the hardkoded height of 280px – increased to 300

  • Feature/Admin – Filter object tables by role
    •  Themes
    •  Digithemes
    •  Categories
    •  Thematic maps
    •  GUI
    •  Basemaps
  • Thematic map: fix styling issus
  • Thematic maps: Deselecting a tile should deactivate themes

    Added possibility to turn off all themes when deselecting a tile in thematic maps

    Desired behavior:

    • When selecting a tile and nothing is selected: Turn on the tile and the corresponding layers
    • When selecting an active tile: Turn off the tile and all layers
    • When selecting a tile, then select something in layer manager: the active tile is no longer marked active. When selecting this tile, turn on the tile and the corresponding layers
  • Feature/Admin: Matrikkel status check in admin dashboard
  • Feat/Admin: new endpoint returning hierarchy of given role

Updates in patch 3.46.2


  • Fix wrong time of day for scheduled theme indexing

    Due to diff in UTC and local time

Updates in patch 3.46.1


  • Collaboration: fix issues creating a new project
  • Bugfix: Changing a filter activated timeslider

    Fixes an issue where changing a filter activated timeslider


  • Property: Increase timeout when getting buildings from matrikkel

    Needed to increase the default timeout when getting buildings from matrikkel

  • Wfs sync: Do not reindex not searchable themes

    Do not try to call search indexer on themes that has not been indexed

  • Thematic map: custom styles
  • Fix – Print legend
    • fix issue with legend sizes in widget legend separate
    • fix issue with legend alignment
    • fix title not bold in widget legend separate
  • Remove 300 dpi from A2 printing

News in major release 3.46


  • Collaboration: added option to export draw objects
  • Let users self-delete their accounts

    Revised the user interface to include a profile page, enabling users to self-delete their accounts from the system.
    The new page is available at https:\a3-site-name\apps\delete-user\

  • Add prj file to georeferenced file printout
  • Fullsize thematic map picker

    Allow end users to scroll through thematic maps in a larger window than was previously available.
    Note: To enable the new feature, go to administrator -> GUI create / edit -> right click on the GUI and select edit -> go to overrides and select “Fullsize thematic map”. The new fullsize thematic map picker is backwards compatible with the old one, all thematic maps and tiles can be used in both versions.


  • Remove 300 dpi from A2 printing

    Removed 300 dpi from print settings when user selects A2 layout due to ‘Out of Memory’ returned from server when printing

  • New timeslider for aggregated data (month/year)

  • Embedded maps: Add some custom params to layer defs

    Add SLD and TIME params from A3 to embedded maps layer defs. Fixes and issue with time enabled layers and/or layers with custom SLD.

  • Print: Reset translated legend name on visibility change

    Reset legend translation on theme visibility change.

  • Print internal legends in higher dpi

    Print server always printed getLegend requests in 96 DPI, regardless of the resolution (dpi) chosen by user. This PR tries to fix this by requesting the 300 DPI mapfile for printing legends.
    Example of a legend in 96 DPI:

    Example of a legend in 300 DPI

  • Layer manager: fix category styling

    Changed styling from:


  • Collaboration: Fix an issue with snapshots

    Creating snapshots did not work due to a missing property when creating a printengine object

  • OlMap: Fix nullpointer exception when removing map layer

    Fixes a null pointer exception when removing a map layer.

  • Fix form field dependency for checkbox field
  • Fixes missing error msg and logic for GI-VisEiendom

    Added missing error msg
    Fix logic to do another search without seksjonsnr as filter