Add elements


The button “Add element” allows you to add theme, subcategories and digitization theme to a category.


The figure above shows two panels separated by a vertical splitter. Left panel contains a table with all the elements of a particular type that are available in Adaptive, while the right panel contains all the elements of a particular type that are activated in the appropriate category. The panel has the ability to search / filtering.

In the dropdown menu at the top you select the type of item you want to add a category. One can add

  • Categories (this then becomes subcategory)
  • Theme
  • Digitization Theme

In the dropdown menu at the top right select which category you want to add new items into.

Categories loaded into an existing category is called subcategory.

A subcategory is created using drag-and-drop. Click on a category in the left panel and drag it into the grain in the right panel. In map client will be reflected by a new election in the category concerned, this turns on all topics in relevant subcategory.
Drag-and-drop true for both subcategories, themes and digitization theme. When the icon
markert-radshows means the category or theme can be dropped at designated place, while symbol not-markert-radshows that category or theme should NOT be created at the specified place.

One removes a subcategory / theme / digitization theme by right-clicking in the right pane and choose “Remove.” Alternatively checkbox “Active” is used.

“Visibility” identifies the theme / digitization theme pr. default power on


The figure above shows a selection of changes in categories, themes and digital themes also can be done from here with a right click menu.

Note! : The figures shows examples in connection with subcategories, the same logic is also relevant for themes and digital themes.

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