
Due to new regulations concerning Privacy, we have added (as of Adaptive 3.29) tools to present privacy related information and policies, and collect consent from the registered users in an Adaptive instance.

To activate this feature, go to Config > Privacy and set Privacy Policy Version to a non-zero value, and enter a privacy policy text or URL to an existing privacy policy document for all supported languages. If you have an existing privacy policy document online, you should enter the URL to this document. If you would like Adaptive to host your privacy policy, you should enter the policy text in the editor boxes.

Remember to press “Save changes” at the top when you are done.

As a recommended step to improve the user experience and conform to the recommendation from GDPR you should provide a text in short, concise, clear and user friendly language with an overview over what accepting the privacy policy means to the user’s personal data. To do this, check the box “Customize short message” in each supported language, and add a short text, possibly a bullet point list, under “Short Privacy/Consent Message”. This will be displayed inline in Adaptive when new users sign up, or when existing users sign in for the first time.

Informing the user of who is the responsible data processor is required by new regulations, and should be added in the “Data processor” field, together with an email address where data and privacy related questions can be directed. Adaptive will show these in relevant locations.

Further responsibilities you have as a data processor should be considered when writing your privacy policy, and in what information you collect, and how it is handled.

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