Theme based on external WFS

Theme based on external services means that the Adaptive Map Server makes a call to the remote service each time the user panes the map. The map images generated on the service are then sent via Adaptive’s map server and to the user. In order for this to work, it is necessary that the Adaptive Map Server has http access to the service.


Navn Description
Uri URL to WFS service.

Once the URL is entered, optionally pasted, press the “WFS Capabilities” button. This makes a reference to the service to find information about what it delivers.

It then populates the underlying pull-down menus.

User name Username. Used if WFS service requires authentication. Basic http is the method that can be used.
User password Password. Used if WFS service requires authentication. Basic http is the method that can be used.
Version This shows which version of the WFS standard the service delivers.

This shows available topics from current WFS service.

Request method

Indicates request method. Recommend “get” if this is available.

Geom colums Select column / property from WFS that contains geometry
Spatial data type

This describes the geometry pen for selected datasets. Valid values:

  • point
  • line
  • polygon

This describes the coordinate system of selected datasets.

Data extent

This describes the investigation / extent of selected datasets.

Min Scale

If one wants to scale the theme, set the minimum scale the map must have for it to be visible.

Max Scale

If one wants to scale the theme, set the maximum scale the map may have for it to be visible.

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