Theme based on external WMS

Theme based on external services means that Adaptive makes a call to the remote service whenever the user pan the map. Map images is generated in the service sent the user’s browser. For this to work it is necessary that the user has HTTP access to the service.

Theme created by manually entering a URL to the WMS service.


Name Description
Find in CSW Search up WMS addresses from Geonorges directory service
Uri URL to WMS service. When URL is entered, or pasted, press the “WMS Capabilities.” This makes inquiries to the service to find information about what the leverer. It then populates the underlying drop down menus.
User name Username. Used the WMS service requires authentication. Basic http is the method that can be used.
User password Password. Used the WMS service requires authentication. Basic http is the method that can be used.
Layers This shows the available topics from current WMS service. Here it can be selected more by using the CTRL key and select more from the dropdown.
Format This shows the format WMS service delivers.
Info Format shows which format GetFeatureInfo (oneself) can be delivered on. Not all services/themes deliver this.
Request method Indicates request method. Recommend “get” if this is available.
URL to GetMap service Populates automatically if WMS service is according to the standard and relevant service/theme supports this.
URL to GetFeatureInfo service Populates automatically if WMS service is according to the standard and relevant service / Theme supports this.
URL to GetLegend service Populates automatically if WMS service is according to the standard and relevant service / Theme supports this.
Opacity Ability to select how transparent WMS layer should be. Where 100 is not transparent.
GetFeatureInfo Whether it should be possible to click on one object and display features. Tick ​​automatically on relevant topics offer GetFeatureInfo and that WMS service is in accordance with the standard.
Single tile Forces that WMS retrieved as a single image rather than several small “tiler”. May for example be relevant if label / inscriptions in current topics drawn several times, once per tile.NB! It is advisable to take advantage of this opportunity as this provides a faster and better maps image! Note that some (a very few) WMS has limitation in maximum resolution, which makes that one can not use single tile on large screens. When one is forced to use tiles.
Proxy Forces contemporary issues through Mapserver on Adaptive Server. WMS will not be retrieved from the client / user’s browser directly. Applicable for example if the service requires authentication by means of a username / password or IP authentication and server then approved IPs.
Use Time Slider Selects whether to have a sliding switch on the client so that the user can select data based on time. This presupposes module WMS Time Slider.
Dynamic range Selected depending on the time range of data changes. Typically, it will be turned off on historical data.
Live refresh Ticked if you want near real-time view of data. May typically be used if you have data that is constantly in flux. By turning on Live refresh its updated time period every 30 seconds.
Custom range start Allows you to select the start date for the time range.
Time Allows you to specify the time to start time range.
Custom range end Allows you to select the end date for the time range.
Time Allows you to specify the time of the end date.
Custom interval Allows you to set an own range for every step in time slider. Here you also select which device you want as a solution for every step.
Min Scale Sets minium yardstick that WMS service delivers on relevant topics. Populates automatically WMS services are according to the standard.
Max Scale Specifies the maximum scale for the WMS service delivers on relevant topics. Populates automatically WMS service is in accordance with the standard.

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