Opprett/ endre

Med Tematisk kartlag-funksjonalitet kan du klargjøre en kartvisning som består av temaer fra ulike temakart, tilpasset formålet. Tematiske kartlag er GUI-spesifikke, det vil si at hvert kartlag kun kan benyttes i ett enkelt GUI.

Thematic map - create edit

The button Create/edit provides an opportunity to establish new thematic maps and make changes to existing ones. The table lists all the thematic maps established in Adaptive. One can make changes either by right-clicking on the appropriate thematic map and then choose Edit or using functions from the menu above the table. It is also possible to filter this based on GUI:

Name Description
ID Unique ID to the thematic map.
Name Name of the thematic map.
Gui name Name of the GUI that the specific thematic map belongs to
Sort order Integer value representing the order of thematic map’s in a GUI. 0 is the first one.
Active If the current thematic map is active.
Role Determine which roles the thematic map is available for. Standard roles are “guest” and “authenticated”.



New thematic maps are made by pushing the  add-btn button:

Name Description
Name The name of the thematic map. Name in several languages ​​can be specified using the dialog box for translation. New language is entered by clicking the + button.
Sort order Integer value representing the order of thematic map’s in a GUI. 0 is the first one.
Add/Remove (Thumbnail) Allows you to add one image (.jpg, .png) used in the thematic map carousel. The images should preferably be about 150×150 pixels.