Info & support for Adaptive 4 application

About Adaptive 4 Adaptive is a cutting-edge GIS tool designed to revolutionize the way you work with GIS data. By integrating advanced mapping technologies with user-friendly interfaces, Adaptive enables users to visualize, analyze, and interpret geographic...

External WFS – CSV and GeoJSON as outputformat

Description Requested by FDIR. Support for template-driven and OGR outputformats through external WFS. CSV and GeoJSON was requested by FDIR but formats as KML, Shapefile, Spatiallite etc could also be relevant.

Directions: Add possibility to view route information

Requested by Sogn og Fjordane fylkeskommune. In addition to warning icons, show what type of warning: – Road work – Night closed – Winter closed etc. Different types of route information described in Statens Vegvesen...